Connecting and running queries

This topic provides a walkthrough and examples for how to use the Firebolt Python SDK to connect to Firebolt resources to run commands and query data.

Setting up a connection

To connect to a Firebolt database to run queries or command, you must provide your account credentials through a connection request.

To get started, follow the steps below:

1. Import modules

The Firebolt Python SDK requires you to import the following modules before making any command or query requests to your Firebolt database.

from firebolt.db import connect
from firebolt.client.auth import ClientCredentials

2. Connect to your database and engine

Your account information can be provided as parameters in a connection() function.

A connection requires the following parameters:


Auth object, containing your credentials. See Auth for more details.


The name of the account you’re using to connect to Firebolt. Must be specified in order to authenticate.


Optional. The name of the database you would like to connect to.


Optional. The name of the engine to use for SQL queries.


If you specify engine_name but not the database Python SDK will automatically resolve the database for you behind the scenes.

If an engine_name is not specified the SDK will not be bound to any engine. In this case, if also no database is specified you can still connect, but queries are limited to database and engine management queries e.g. CREATE DATABASE, START ENGINE, etc. To interact with tables in a database you have to provide the database parameter when connecting with no engine.

This information can be provided in multiple ways.

  • Set credentials manually

    You can manually include your account information in a connection object in your code for any queries you want to request.

    Replace the values in the example code below with your Firebolt account credentials as appropriate.

    id = "your_service_account_id"
    secret = "your_service_account_secret"
    engine_name = "your_engine"
    database_name = "your_database"
    account_name = "your_account"
    with connect(
            auth=ClientCredentials(id, secret),
    ) as connection:
        cursor = connection.cursor()
  • Use an .env file

    Consolidating all of your Firebolt credentials into a .env file can help protect sensitive information from exposure. Create an .env file with the following key-value pairs, and replace the values with your information.


    Be sure to place this .env file into your root directory.

    Your connection script can load these environmental variables from the .env file by using the python-dotenv package. Note that the example below imports the os and dotenv modules in order to load the environmental variables.

    import os
    from dotenv import load_dotenv
    with connect(
    ) as connection:
        cursor = connection.cursor()

3. Token management/caching

Firebolt allows access by using authentication and refresh tokens. In order to authenticate, the SDK issues an http login request to the Firebolt API, providing username and password. The API returns an authentication token and refresh token. Authentication tokens are valid for 12 hours, and can be refreshed using the refresh token. The SDK uses the authentication token for all subsequent requests, and includes logic for refreshing the token if it is reported as expired.

Because a typical script that uses the SDK usually runs for less than a minute and then is closed, the token is lost because it’s only stored in a process memory. To avoid that, the SDK by default does token caching. Token caching is designed to preserve the token in filesystem to later reuse it for requests and save time on authentication api request. It also helps for workflows that use the SDL in parallel or in sequential scripts on the same machine, as only a single authentication request is performed. The caching works by preserving the token value and it’s expiration timestamp in filesystem, in user data directory. On the authentication, the SDK first tries to find a token cache file and, if it exists, checks that token is not yet expired. If the token is valid, it’s used for further authorization. The token value itself is encrypted with PBKDF2 algorithm, the encryption key is a combination of user credentials.

Token caching can be disabled if desired. If the server the SDK is running on has a read only filesystem (when using AWS Lambda, for example), then the SDK will not be able to store the token. The caching is disabled by adding use_token_cache=False to the auth object. From the examples above, it would look like: auth=UsernamePassword(username, password,use_token_cache=False),

4. Execute commands using the cursor

The cursor object can be used to send queries and commands to your Firebolt database and engine. See below for examples of functions using the cursor object.

Synchronous command and query examples

This section includes Python examples of various SQL commands and queries.

Inserting and selecting data

The example below uses cursor to create a new table called test_table, insert rows into it, and then select the table’s contents.

The engine attached to your specified database must be started before executing any queries. For help, see Starting an engine.

        id INT,
        name TEXT

    INSERT INTO test_table VALUES
    (1, 'hello'),
    (2, 'world'),
    (3, '!');

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM test_table;")



For reference documentation on cursor functions, see cursor.

Fetching query results

After running a query, you can fetch the results using a cursor object. The examples below use the data queried from test_table created in the Inserting and selecting data.


Returns: [2, 'world']


Returns: [[1, 'hello'], [3, '!']]


Returns: [[2, 'world'], [1, 'hello'], [3, '!']]


Returns: [[2, 'world'], [1, 'hello'], [3, '!']]

Fetching query result information

After running a query, you can fetch information about the results using the same cursor object. The examples below are from the last SELECT query in Inserting and selecting data.


  • For a SELECT query, rowcount is the number of rows selected.

  • For An INSERT query, it is always -1.

  • For DDL (CREATE/DROP), it is always 1

print("Rowcount: ", cursor.rowcount)

Returns: Rowcount:  3


description is a list of Column objects, each one responsible for a single column in a result set. Only name and type_code fields get populated, all others are always empty.

  • name is the name of the column.

  • type_code is the data type of the column. It can be:

    • a python type (int, float, str, date, datetime)

    • an ARRAY object, that signifies a list of some type. The inner type can is stored in .subtype field

    • a DECIMAL object, that signifies a decimal value. It’s precision and scale are stored in .precision and .scale fields

    • a DATETIME64 object, that signifies a datetime value with an extended precision. The precision is stored in .precision

print("Description: ", cursor.description)

Returns: Description:  [Column(name='id', type_code=<class 'int'>, display_size=None, internal_size=None, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None), Column(name='name', type_code=<class 'str'>, display_size=None, internal_size=None, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=None)]

Executing parameterized queries

Parameterized queries (also known as “prepared statements”) format a SQL query with placeholders and then pass values into those placeholders when the query is run. This protects against SQL injection attacks and also helps manage dynamic queries that are likely to change, such as filter UIs or access control.

To run a parameterized query, use the execute() cursor method. Add placeholders to your statement using question marks ?, and in the second argument pass a tuple of parameters equal in length to the number of ? in the statement.

        id INT,
        name TEXT,
        date_value DATE
    PRIMARY INDEX id;"""
    "INSERT INTO test_table2 VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
    (1, "apple", "2018-01-01"),


If you need to run the same statement multiple times with different parameter inputs, you can use the executemany() cursor method. This allows multiple tuples to be passed as values in the second argument.

    "INSERT INTO test_table2 VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
        (2, "banana", "2019-01-01"),
        (3, "carrot", "2020-01-01"),
        (4, "donut", "2021-01-01")


Executing multiple-statement queries

Multiple-statement queries allow you to run a series of SQL statements sequentially with just one method call. Statements are separated using a semicolon ;, similar to making SQL statements in the Firebolt UI.

    SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE id < 4;
    SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE id > 2;
print("First query: ", cursor.fetchall())
assert cursor.nextset()
print("Second query: ", cursor.fetchall())
assert cursor.nextset() is None



First query: [[2, 'banana',, 1, 1)],
              [3, 'carrot',, 1, 1)],
              [1, 'apple',, 1, 1)]]
Second query: [[3, 'carrot',, 1, 1)],
               [4, 'donut',, 1, 1)]]


Multiple statement queries are not able to use placeholder values for parameterized queries.

Asynchronous query execution

Not to be confused with Server-side asynchronous query execution. Asynchronous Python SDK functionality is used to write concurrent code. Unlike in a synchronous approach, when executing a query is a blocking operation, this approach allows doing other processing or queries while the original query is waiting on the network or the server to respond. This is especially useful when executing slower queries.

Make sure you’re familiar with the Asyncio approach before using asynchronous Python SDK, as it requires special async/await syntax.

Simple asynchronous example

This example illustrates a simple query execution via the async Python SDK. It does not have any performance benefits, but rather shows the difference in syntax from the synchronous version. It can be extended to run alongside of other operations.

from asyncio import run
from firebolt.async_db import connect as async_connect
from firebolt.client.auth import ClientCredentials

async def run_query():
    id = "your_service_account_id"
    secret = "your_service_account_secret"
    engine_name = "your_engine"
    database_name = "your_database"
    account_name = "your_account"

    query = "select * from my_table"

    async with await async_connect(
        auth=ClientCredentials(id, secret),
    ) as connection:
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        # Asyncronously execute a query
        rowcount = await cursor.execute(query)

        # Asyncronously fetch a result
        single_row = await cursor.fetchone()
        multiple_rows = await cursor.fetchmany(5)
        all_remaining_rows = await cursor.fetchall()

# Run async `run_query` from the synchronous context of your script

Running multiple queries in parallel

Building up on the previous example, we can execute several queries concurently. This is especially useful when queries do not depend on each other and can be run at the same time.

from asyncio import gather, run
from firebolt.async_db import connect as async_connect
from firebolt.client.auth import ClientCredentials

async def execute_sql(connection, query):
    # Create a new cursor for every query
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    # Wait for cursor to execute a query
    await cursor.execute(query)
    # Return full query result
    return await cursor.fetchall()

async def run_multiple_queries():
    id = "your_service_account_id"
    secret = "your_service_account_secret"
    engine_name = "your_engine"
    database_name = "your_database"
    account_name = "your_account"

    queries = [
        "select * from table_1",
        "select * from table_2",
        "select * from table_3",

    async with await async_connect(
        auth=ClientCredentials(id, secret),
    ) as connection:
        # Create async tasks for every query
        tasks = [execute_sql(connection, query) for query in queries]
        # Execute tasks concurently
        results = await gather(*tasks)
        # Print query results
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            print(f"Query {i}: {result}")



This will run all queries specified in queries list at the same time. With heavy queries you have to be mindful of the engine capability here. Excessive parallelisations can lead to degraded performance. You should also make sure the machine running this code has enough RAM to store all the results you’re fetching.

Limiting number of conccurent queries suggests a way to avoid this.

Limiting number of conccurent queries

It’s generally a good practice to limit a number of queries running at the same time. It ensures a load on both server and client machines can be controlled. A suggested way is to use the Semaphore.

from asyncio import gather, run, Semaphore
from firebolt.async_db import connect as async_connect
from firebolt.client.auth import ClientCredentials


async def gather_limited(tasks, max_parallel):
    sem = Semaphore(max_parallel)

    async def limited_task(task):
        async with sem:
            await task

    await gather(*[limited_task(t) for t in tasks])

async def execute_sql(connection, query):
    # Create a new cursor for every query
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    # Wait for cursor to execute a query
    await cursor.execute(query)
    # Return full query result
    return await cursor.fetchall()

async def run_multiple_queries():
    id = "your_service_account_id"
    secret = "your_service_account_secret"
    engine_name = "your_engine"
    database_name = "your_database"
    account_name = "your_account"

    queries = [
        "select * from table_1",
        "select * from table_2",
        "select * from table_3",

    async with await async_connect(
        auth=ClientCredentials(id, secret),
    ) as connection:
        # Create async tasks for every query
        tasks = [execute_sql(connection, query) for query in queries]
        # Execute tasks concurently, limiting the parallelism
        results = await gather_limited(*tasks, MAX_PARALLEL)
        # Print query results
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            print(f"Query {i}: {result}")


Server-side asynchronous query execution

In addition to asynchronous API calls, which allow client-side execution to continue while waiting for API responses, the Python SDK provides server-side asynchronous query execution. When a query is executed asynchronously the only response from the server is a query ID. The status of the query can then be retrieved by polling the server at a later point. This frees the connection to do other queries or even be closed while the query continues to run. And entire service, such as AWS Lamdba, could potentially even be spun down an entire while a long-running database job is still underway.

Note, however, that it is not possible to retrieve the results of a server-side asynchronous query, so these queries are best used for running DMLs and DDLs and SELECTs should be used only for warming the cache.

Executing asynchronous DDL commands

Executing queries server-side asynchronously is similar to executing server-side synchronous queries, but the execute() command receives an extra parameter, async_execution=True. The example below uses cursor to create a new table called test_table. execute(query, async_execution=True) will return a query ID, which can subsequently be used to check the query status.

query_id = cursor.execute(
        id INT,
        name TEXT

To check the status of a query, send the query ID to `get_status()` to receive a QueryStatus enumeration object. Possible statuses are:









Once the status of the table creation is ENDED_SUCCESSFULLY, data can be inserted into it:

from firebolt.async_db.cursor import QueryStatus

query_status = cursor.get_status(query_id)

if query_status == QueryStatus.ENDED_SUCCESSFULLY:
        INSERT INTO test_table VALUES
            (1, 'hello'),
            (2, 'world'),
            (3, '!');

In addition, server-side asynchronous queries can be cancelled calling cancel().

query_id = cursor.execute(
        id INT,
        name TEXT


query_status = cursor.get_status(query_id)



Thread safety

Thread safety is set to 2, meaning it’s safe to share the module and Connection object across threads. Cursor is a lightweight object that should be instantiated by calling connection.cursor() within a thread and should not be shared across different threads. Similarly, in an asynchronous context the Cursor obejct should not be shared across tasks as it will lead to a nondeterministic data returned. Follow the best practice from the Running multiple queries in parallel.

Using DATE and DATETIME values

DATE, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP values used in SQL insertion statements must be provided in a specific format; otherwise they could be read incorrectly.

  • DATE values should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

  • DATETIME and TIMESTAMP values should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS

The datetime module from the Python standard library contains various classes and methods to format DATE, TIMESTAMP and DATETIME data types.

You can import this module as follows:

from datetime import datetime